What are the usage methods and precautions for used excavators?



When purchasing a used excavator, correct usage and precautions are crucial. The following are some usage methods and precautions for second-hand excavators:


Regular inspection and maintenance:

Make sure to perform regular oil changes, filter changes and lubricant refills.
Check the hydraulic system to ensure leaks and repair them promptly.
Regularly check the electrical system to ensure that all components are functioning properly.

Reasonable operation:

Avoid running at high speed for a long time to avoid damaging the engine.
Select the appropriate working mode and speed according to work needs.
Avoid overload operation to avoid excessive load on the machine.

Pay attention to cleaning:

Excavators should be cleaned promptly after use to prevent dust and soil from accumulating and damaging components.
Clean the radiator regularly to maintain good heat dissipation.

Safe operation:

Before operation, check whether the braking system and safety devices are normal.
Follow operating procedures to ensure the safety of people around you and avoid accidents.

Check before buying:

Check carefully before purchasing to ensure that all parts of the machine are in good condition.
View machine usage records to understand the machine's usage and maintenance history.

Seek professional help:

Before purchasing, you can ask professional technicians to conduct inspection and evaluation to ensure that the machine performance meets the requirements.


Carry out maintenance strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's maintenance manual to ensure long-term and stable operation of the machine.
Conduct comprehensive inspections of the machine regularly to detect and deal with problems in a timely manner.

Avoid overuse:

Control the working time and intensity of the machine to avoid excessive use that may lead to increased wear and tear on the machine.

Make sure to store:

When storing, choose a ventilated and dry place to avoid exposure to sunlight and moisture that may affect machine performance.
Proper use and maintenance of a used excavator will extend its service life and ensure safe performance. By following the above usage methods and precautions, you can maximize the potential of your used excavator and avoid unnecessary damage and accidents.